domingo, 6 de mayo de 2012

Unit 12: Appearance and Health

Read the article. Then complete the sentences. 
(Copy and paste this exercise and publish it in your blog and write the answers in it) 

1. to get exercise: go for a walk.

2. to help your bones: get enough calcium.

3. to help your muscles: stretch for five minutes.

4. to keep your gums healthy: floss your teeth.

5. to have energy for the morning: eat breakfast.

6. to challenge your brain: do a crossword puzzle or read a new a new 


What else do you do for your health? (Write a short paragraph describing the information)

For good health: 

No alcohol or smoking, sleep 8 hours a day, and having a regular medical 

monitoring, no too much sun and complement the food with vitamins and 


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